Friday 2 June 2017


Hector Bellerin has been strongly linked with a move to Barcelona, but Wenger has reportedly said he will not be leaving.
·         Barcelona want Bellerin to solve their problems at right back
·         Wenger had dinner with Real Madrid president Florentino Perez
·         He told Perez Bellerin would not be joining Barcelona
According to source Arsene Wenger told Real Madrid present Florentino Perez that Hector Bellerin will not join Barcelona.
The paper says that Wenger and Perez have a good relationship and that the two recently had dinner together. During which, Wenger “confessed” that he has no intention of selling the Spanish wing-back.
Barcelona have had an interest in Bellerin for almost two years now and see him as the solution to their problems at right back.
However, Bellerin signed a new contract with Arsenal in November and is happy at the club.
“I signed my contract for a reason,” he said. “I signed it because I wanted to be here. I wouldn’t have done it otherwise.
“Arsenal is the club that gave me the chance to be a professional and since the first time I met with the boss he’s always said if I progressed the right way I could be an Arsenal player for a long time.”
“I’ve been here nearly six years and I love London.”
The Spanish press can be very persistent about players joining either Barcelona or Real Madrid, as Arsenal experienced first hand during the Cesc Fabregas transfer saga. I expect this won’t be the last Bellerin to Barcelona story

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