Friday 23 June 2017


The Metropolitan Police has confirmed it is considering manslaughter charges linked to the Grenfell tower fire.
 As part of a commitment to be as ‘transparent as possible’, the police confirmed that the outside cladding had failed safety tests.
Detective superintendent Fiona McCormack said: “We are looking at every criminal offence from manslaughter onwards, we are looking at every health and safety and fire safety offences and we are reviewing every company at the moment involved in the building and refurbishment of Grenfell Tower.”
She added: “We have seized documents.”
The official statement also revealed that the cause of the blaze is believed to have been a fridge freezer.
The investigation is currently focused on how the fire started and the speed at which the fire spread, as well as internal safety aspects of the building.
On the cladding and insulation, DS McCormack  said: “Preliminary tests showed that they combusted soon after the test started. We know this fire wasn’t started deliberately.”
The Met revealed that the investigation at the site could take until the end of the year.
She added: “There is a terrible reality that we may not find or identify everyone who died due to the intense heat.”

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